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SBEADMR and Taylor Park EA Annual Meeting

Western Colorado University’s Center for Public Lands collaborates with the Gunnison Ranger District of the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests in the facilitation of an adaptive management group and University-affiliated Science Team to compliment the Taylor Park Vegetation Management Project

The Taylor Park Vegetation Management Project is anticipated to be a 10-year project to increase forest resilience and provide wood products for the local economy. Approximately 20,000 acres of lodgepole pine and Engelmann spruce forests in the Upper Taylor River and Spring Creek drainages will be treated.

The SBEADMR and Taylor Park Vegetation Management Annual Stakeholder Meeting occurred on April 6, 2023. See the recording here! and check out the CPL website for more information on the Taylor Park Vegetation Management Project.

March 22

Gunnison Valley Winter Backcountry Survey

May 12

SBEADMR and Taylor Park EA Comment Period